
Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática

Seminario EDP

The upcoming session of our DIM-CMM PDE Seminar is scheduled for Monday, August 5th at 12:10 pm.

Speaker: Nicolás Valenzuela, Universidad de Chile.

Title: Bounds on the approximation error for Deep Neural Networks applied to dispersive models: Nonlinear waves.

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Seminario EDP

The upcoming session of our DIM-CMM PDE Seminar is scheduled for Monday, July 22th at 4:20 pm.

Speaker: Miguel Angel Alejo from the Universidad de Córdoba

Title: On the nonexistence of NLS breathers

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Seminario EDP

The next session of our DIM-CMM PDE Seminar is scheduled for Thursday July 11, 2024 at 16:15.

We have the pleasure of receiving Prof. Manuel del Pino from University of Bath, Inglaterra, who is going to talk about:

«Delaunay-type compact equilibria in the liquid drop model».

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Seminario EDP

The upcoming session of our DIM-CMM PDE Seminar is scheduled for Monday, July 01st at 4:20 pm. 

Speaker: Marco Stefano Bianchi from the Universidad San Sebastián.

Title: «Zeta de Riemann en Teoría Cuántica de Campos».

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Seminario EDP

Monday, June 24th at 4:20 pm. John Von Neumann Seminar Room, Beauchef 851, 7th floor.

Speaker: Jessika Camaño Valenzuela from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepcion.

Title: «Analysis of a mixed FEM for Stationary Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in Porous Media»

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Seminario EDP

Monday, June 17th at 4:20 pm.DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Nikola Kamburov from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Title: «One-phase free boundaries under variation-theoretic constraints»

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Seminario EDP

Monday, June 10th at 4:20 pm. DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Tiarlos Cruz from the Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Title: «Scalar curvature, mean curvature and static metrics»

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Seminario EDP

Monday, June 3rd at 4:20 p.m. DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Renato Velozo from the University of Toronto.

Title: «Two results on modified scattering for the Vlasov-Poisson system»

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Seminario EDP

Monday, May 13th at 4:20 p.m. DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Sebastián Tapia, Universidad de Chile.

Title: «Study and simulation of traffic waves: Jamiton collisions»

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Seminario EDP

Monday, May 6th at 4:20 p.m. DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Vicente Salinas (Universidad de Chile)

Title: «The Riemann Zeta Flow and Generalizations»

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Seminario EDP

Thursday, May 2nd at 4:15 p.m. Sala de seminarios DIM, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Emeric Bouin (Université Paris Dauphine), who will talk about:

Title:»Acceleration in reaction diffusion models»

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Seminario EDP

Wednesday, April 17 at 4:20 p.m. DIM seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: José Manuel Palacios (University of Toronto)

Title: Local Energy control in the presence of a zero-energy resonance

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Seminario EDP

Monday, April 15 at 4:15 p.m. (Santiago time) in the seminar room, Beauchef 851, 5th floor.

Speaker: Tobias Ried (TU Munich)

Title: On a variational problem related to the Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum and Lieb-Thirring inequalities.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes, 25 de abril a las 16:15 Jorge Aguayo Araneda - CMM, Universidad de Chile Title: A variational and numerical approach to model inverse problems applied in subduction earthquakes Abstract: This talk presents a mixed variational formulation for the problem of the...

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Seminario EDP

Monday, March 18th at 16:15 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala de Seminario (fifth floor), Beauchef 851. Speaker: Oscar Jarrín Title: From non-local to local Navier-Stokes equations Abstract: Inspired by some experimental (numerical) works on fractional diffusion PDEs, we...

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Seminario EDP

March 11th at 16:15 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala de Seminario (fifth floor), Beauchef 851.

Title: The logarithmic Sobolev inequality and the Sobolev inequality in large dimensions

Abstract: The logarithmic Sobolev inequality can be considered as the infinite dimensional limit of the Sobolev inequality.

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Seminario EDP

Martes 16 de enero 2024 a las 12:00 hrs.Sala John Von Neumann,  CMM 7mo piso, Torre Norte de Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Yvan Martel (UVSQ, Francia)

Title: Asymptotic stability of small solitary waves for the one-dimensional cubic-quintic Schrödinger equation

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 15 de enero 2024 a las 12:00 hrs.Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Nicolás Torres (U. de Granada, España)

Title: A qualitative analysis of an Aβ-monomer model with inflammation processes for Alzheimer’s disease.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 11 de Diciembre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker:  Marie Fialová

Title: Undestanding the APS boundary condition for the zero modes of the Dirac operator.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 04 de Diciembre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Noemi David (UCBL, Francia)

Title: Singular limits arising in mechanical models of tumor growth

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Seminario EDP

Monday, November 27th at 12:00 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala de Seminarios (fifth floor), Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Prof. Oscar Riaño (Unal, Bogotá)

Title: Stability and instability for the fractional KdV equation in all spatial dimensions

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Seminario EDP

Martes 21 de Noviembre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.,Sala de Seminarios CMM piso 7, Beauchef 851

Speaker: Mircea Petrache (PUC)

Title: Approximate and partial symmetries in Deep Learning

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Seminario EDP

Monday, November 6th at 12:00 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala John Von Neumann (seventh floor), Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Prof. Patricio Felmer (DIM – CMM)

Title: Desde las EDP a la educación

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 30 de Octubre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.

Speaker: María Eugenia Martínez (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).

Title: The soliton problem for water waves models with a varying medium.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 23 de Octubre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.

Speaker: Felipe Gonçalves (IMPA)

Title: Sphere Packings with Forbidden Distances.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 16 de Octubre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.,Sala de Seminarios Piso 5, Beauchef 851

Speaker: Maria Fernanda Espinal Florez, (PUC).

Title: A gluing construction of singular solutions for a fully non-linear equation in conformal geometry.

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Seminario EDP

Martes 10 de Octubre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.  

Speaker: Roberto Capistrano-Filho (UFPE – Brasil)

Title: Fourier transform restriction phenomena and applications to control of dispersive equations.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 02 de Octubre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.

Speaker: Nicolás Barnafi (CMM).

Title: Variational techniques for non-trivial boundary conditions in fluid dynamics and beyond.

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Seminario EDP

Tuesday, September 26 at 11.00 hrs. Beauchef 851.

Title: «On the dynamics of isolated black holes»

Speaker: Carlos Sopuerta (U. Valencia, Spain)

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 11 de septiembre a las 12:00 hs. en la Sala de Seminario 5° piso, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Olivier Goube (Université de Lille, France)

Title: Travelling wave solutions to abcd systems

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Seminario EDP

Miércoles 06 de Septiembre a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de Seminarios piso 5. 

Speaker: Felipe Chaves-Silva (UFPB).

Title: Controllability for systems of PDE’s

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 4 de septiembre a las 12:00 hrs. en la Sala del Seminario del 5° piso, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Felipe Chaves-Silva (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)

Title: Switching Controllabilty for Parabolic system

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 28 de agosto a las 12:00 hrs en la Sala de Seminarios del 5° piso, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Almir Rogério Silva Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe- Brasil

Title: Prescribing Curvature in Manifolds with Boundary

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 21 de Agosto 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.,Sala de Seminarios, 5th floor, Beauchef 851

Expositor: Axel Osses, Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática y Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile

Título: Algunas soluciones bi y tridimensionales de mapas armónicos inspirados en la biología y la astrofísica.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 14 de Agosto 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.,Sala de Seminarios, 5th floor, Beauchef 851

Speaker: Sameer Iyer, (University of California, Davis).

Title: Reversal in the Stationary Prandtl Equations.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 07 de Agosto 2023 a las 12:00 hrs.,Sala de Seminarios, 5th floor, Beauchef 851

Speaker: Ricardo Freire, Postdoc ANID en el DIM

Title: Energy decay for classes of nonlocal dispersive equations.

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Miércoles 19 de Julio del 2023 a contar de las 16:15 hrs, en Sala de Seminarios CMM, John Von Neumann, séptimo piso.

Speaker: Helmut Gfrefer

Title: Globalization of the SCD semismooth* Newton method in nonsmooth nonconvex optimization (joint work with J. Outrata)

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 10 de julio 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de Seminarios, 5° piso, Beauchef 851

Speaker: Jaime Ortega, DIM-CMM, Universidad de Chile

Title: Sobre las propiedades de continuación única discreta y sus aplicaciones al control y problemas inversos.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 03 de Julio 2023. La sesión será a las 12:00 hrs. en la sala de Seminarios del 5° piso Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática. Beauchef 851 torre norte.

Speaker: Khawla Msheik (Université Lyon 1, France).

Title: New mathematical model for Tsunamis with precise time arrival predictions.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 19 de Junio 2023. La sesión será a las 12:00 hrs. en la sala de John Von Neumann del séptimo piso Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Beauchef 851 torre norte.

Speaker: Víctor Cañulef.

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AGCO Seminar

Se les invita para este Miércoles 07 de Junio del 2023 a contar de las 15:00 hrs, al  AGCO Seminar, el cual se realizará en la Sala de Seminarios CMM, John Von Neumann, séptimo piso, Torre Norte, Beauchef 851.

Speaker:  José Soto, DIM, U Chile.

Title: Multi-weighted (sample)-prophet and secretary matching problems.

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Seminario de Grafos

08 de Junio del 2023, de 10.30-11:45 hrs. Sala de Seminarios  John Von Neumann CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte. Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Matías Azocar, DIM, Universidad de Chile.

Title: Condiciones de grado mínimo para caminos y ciclos monocromáticos en grafos 2-arista-coloreados.

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 5 de junio 2023. La sesión será a las 12:00 hrs. en la sala de Seminarios del 5° piso Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática.

Speaker: Marcela Cárdenas (UNAB)

Título: Integrable Geometries in AdS_{3}

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Seminario EDP

Lunes 22 de Mayo 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de Seminario 5° piso. «Steady-state Navier-Stokes flow in an obstructed pipe under mixed boundary conditions and with a prescribed transversal flux rate.»

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Structural properties in hypercubes.

Seminario de Grafos, de este Jueves 17 de Noviembre del 2022, de 10.30-11:45 hrs.

Speaker: Reza Naserasr, Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale, CNRS et Université de Paris.

Title: Structural properties in hypercubes.

Sala de Seminarios John Von Neumann CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte.

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The Hamilton Compression of Highly Symmetric Graphs.

Seminario de Grafos

Speaker: Arturo Merino, Technische Universität Berlin, Alemania.

Title: The Hamilton Compression of Highly Symmetric Graphs.
Jueves 10 de Noviembre del 2022, de 10.30-11:45 hrs.

Sala de Seminarios Jacques L Lions, CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte.

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Recursive local amoeba construction.

Fecha: 28 de septiembre de 2022 a las 15:00 hs.
Lugar: Sala de Seminario John Von Neuman, CMM, Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, Piso 7.
Expositora: Denae Ventura
Afiliación: UNAM, México
Coordinador: José Verschae

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Almost triangular Markov chains on ℕ

Fecha: 21 de septiembre de 2022 a las 16:15:00 hs.
Lugar: Sala Multimedia CMM, F. C.F. M., Universidad de Chile, Piso 6, Beaucheff 851 Edificio Norte.
Expositor: Luis Fredes
Afiliación: Université de Bordeaux
Coordinador: Avelio Sepúlveda

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Árboles generadores en grafos densos III.

Fecha: 01 de septiembre de 2022 a las 10:30:00 hs. 
Lugar: Sala de seminarios Jacques L Lions, CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte.
Expone: Giovanne Santos
Afiliación: DIM, F.C.F.M. Universidad de Chile
Coordinadora: Maya Stein

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Árboles generadores en grafos densos II.

Date: Aug 25, 2022 at 10:30:00 h
Venue: Sala de seminarios Jacques L Lions, CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte.
Speaker: Giovanne Santos
Affiliation: DIM, F.C.F.M. Universidad de Chile
Coordinator: Maya Stein

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Solidarity Cover Problem.

Date: Aug 24, 2022 at 15:00:00 h
Venue: Sala de Seminario John Von Neuman, CMM, Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, Piso 7.
Speaker: Laura Vargas Koch
Affiliation: U. de Chile
Coordinator: José Verschae

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Árboles generadores en grafos densos I.

Date: Aug 18, 2022 at 10:30:00 h
Date of closure: Aug 18, 2022
Venue: Sala de seminarios Jacques L Lions, CMM, Séptimo Piso Torre Norte.
Speaker: Giovanne Santos
Affiliation: DIM, F.C:F.M. Universidad de Chile
Coordinator: Maya Stein

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A random walk in Number Theory.

Date: Aug 17, 2022 at 16:15:00 h
Venue: Modalidad Online.
Speaker: Marco Aymone
Affiliation: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Coordinator: Avelio Sepúlveda

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On the fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation.

Date: Aug 16, 2022 at 12:00:00 h
Venue: Sala de Seminario John Von Neuman, CMM, Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, Piso 7.
Speaker: Argenis Mendez
Affiliation: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Coordinator: Gabrielle Nornberg

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Machine Covering in the Random-Order Model.

Date: Jul 27, 2022 at 15:00:00 h
Venue: Sala de Seminario John Von Neuman, CMM, Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, Piso 7.
Speaker: Waldo Gálvez
Affiliation: Universidad de O’Higgins
Coordinator: José Verschae

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