Invitamos a participar de Seminario EDP.

Lunes 22 de Mayo 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de Seminario 5° piso Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática.

Speaker: Gianmarco Sperona (Politecnico di Milano)

Title: Steady-state Navier-Stokes flow in an obstructed pipe under mixed boundary conditions and with a prescribed transversal flux rate

 Abstract: The steady motion of a viscous incompressible fluid in an obstructed finite pipe is modeled through the Navier-Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions involving the Bernoulli pressure and the tangential velocity on the inlet and outlet of the tube, while a transversal flux rate F is prescribed along the pipe. Existence of a weak solution to such Navier-Stokes system is proved without any restriction on the data by means of the Leray-Schauder Principle, in which the required a priori estimate is obtained by a contradiction argument based on Bernoulli’s law. Through variational techniques and with the use of an exact flux carrier, an explicit upper bound on F (in terms of the viscosity, diameter and length of the tube) ensuring the uniqueness of such weak solution is given. This upper bound is shown to converge to zero at a given rate as the length of the pipe goes to infinity. In an axially symmetric framework, we also prove the existence of a weak solution displaying rotational symmetry.

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