- A convex function satisfying the Łojasiewicz inequality
but failing
the gradient conjecture both at zero and infinity
Bull. London Math. Soc. (to appear) (with M. Haddou, O. Ley)
- Determination of functions by metric slopes
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear) (with D. Salas)
- Ubiquitous algorithms in convex optimization generate self-contracted sequences
J. Convex Anal. 29 (2022) (in press) (with A. Böhm)
- Extending the Choquet Theory: Trace convexity
arXiv 2004.02453 (preprint 29p, 2020) (with M. Bachir)
- Desingularization of the Sweeping Process Mapping
arXiv 2110.08686 (preprint 21p, 2021) (with S. Tapia Garcia)
- Characterizations of Filippov representable maps and Clarke subdifferentials
Math. Programming 189 (2021), 99-115
(with M. Bivas and M. Quincampoix)
- Asymmetric free spaces and canonical asymmetrizations
Studia Matematica 261 (2021), 55-102
(with J.M. Sepulcre and F. Venegas M.)
- Smooth semi-Lipschitz functions and almost isometries between Finsler manifolds
J. Funct. Anal. 279 (2020), 1-29
(with J. Jaramillo and F. Venegas M.)
- Pathological subgradient dynamics,
SIAM J. Optim. 30 (2020), 1327-1338
(with D. Drusvyatskiy)
- Linear structure of functions with maximal Clarke subdifferential
SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), 511-521
(with Gonzalo Flores)
- Metric and geometric relaxations of self-contracted curves
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 182 (2019), 81-109
(with R. Deville & E. Durand-Cartagena)
- Characterizations of Super-regularity and its Variants
Chapter 6 (pp. 137--152) In:
Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory and Applications, Springer, Cham 2019
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-25938-9 (Springer, 2019)
(with R. Luke and M. Tam)
- Gradient flows, second order gradient systems and convexity
SIAM J. Optim. 28 (2018), 2049-2066
(with Tahar Boulmezaoud, Philippe Cieutat)
- Explicit formulas for C1,1 Glaeser-Whitney extensions
of $1$-Taylor fields in Hilbert spaces
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 4487-4495
(with Mounir Haddou, Erwan Le Gruyer, Olivier Ley)
- A partial answer to the Demyanov-Ryabova conjecture
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 26 (2018), 143-157.
(with Colin Petitjean)
- Self-contracted curves in Riemannian manifolds
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 457 (2018), 1333-1352
(with R. Deville, E. Durand-Cartagena & L. Rifford)
- Sweeping by a tame process
Annales Institut Fourier 67 (2017), 2201-2223
(with D. Drusvyatskiy)
- Sard theorems for Lipschitz functions
and applications in Optimization
Israel Math. J. 212 (2016), 757-790
(with L. Barbet & M. Dambrine & L. Rifford)
- Spectral (Isotropic) Manifolds and Their Dimension
J. Anal. Math. 128, (2016) 369-397
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- Cut-generating functions and S-free sets
Math. Oper. Res. 40 (2015), 276-391
(with M. Conforti, G. Cornuejols, C. Lemarechal & J. Malick)
- Stability in linear optimization under perturbations
of the left-hand side coefficients,
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), no. 4, 737-758.
(with M.-A. Goberna, M. Lopez & R. Lucchetti)
- Rectifiability of self-contracted curves
in the Euclidean space and applications
J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), 1211-1239
(with G. David, E. Durand-Cartagena & A. Lemenant)
- Orbits of geometric descent
Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 1, 44-50
(with D. Drusvyatskiy & A. S. Lewis)
- On the structure of locally symmetric manifolds
J. Convex Anal. 22 (2015), 399-426
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- Orthogonal Invariance and Identifiability
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 35 (2014), 580-598
(with D. Drusvyatskiy & A. S. Lewis)
- The Morse-Sard Theorem for Clarke critical values
Advances in Mathematics 242 (2013), 217-227
(with L. Barbet & M. Dambrine)
- Lower semicontinuity of the feasible set mapping
of linear systems relative to their domains,
Set-Valued Var. Anal. 21 (2013), 67-92
(with M.-A. Goberna, M. Lopez & R. Lucchetti
- Cut Generation Functions
IPCO XVI, M. Goemans and J. Correa (Eds)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7801, Springer Heidelberg (2013), 123-132
(with M. Conforti, G. Cornuejols, C. Lemarechal & J. Malick)
- Modern Optimization Modelling Techniques
Authors: J.-B. Lasserre, F. Facchinei, R. Cominetti
Co-edited with J.-E. Martinez-Legaz
Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2011 (ISBN 978-3034802901)
- Continuity and differentiability of set-valued maps
revisited in the light of tame geometry
J. London Math. Soc. 83 (2011), 637-658
(with C.H. Jeffrey Pang)
- Generic identifiability and second-order sufficiency in tame convex
Math. Oper. Res. 36 (2011), 55-70 (with J. Bolte & A. Lewis)
- Generalized Hessians of C1,1-functions and second-order viscosity subjets
SIAM J. Optim. 20 (2010), 340-352
(with L. Barbet & P. Soravia)
- Asymptotic behaviour of self-contracted planar curves
and gradient orbits of convex functions,
J. Math. Pures Appl. 94 (2010), 183-199
(with O. Ley & S. Sabourau) - Characterizations of Lojasiewicz inequalities:
subgradient flows, talweg, convexity
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 3319-3363
(with J. Bolte, O. Ley & L. Mazet) - Identifying structure of nonsmooth convex functions by the bundle technique
SIAM J. Optimization 20 (2009), 820-840
(with M. Solodov & C. Sagastizábal) - Tame functions are semismooth
Math. Programming (Series B) 117 (2009), 5-19
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - Subdifferential characterization of approximate convexity: the lower semicontinuous case
Math. Programming (Series B) 116 (2009), 115-127
(with F. Jules & M. Lassonde) - Locally symmetric submanifolds lift to spectral manifolds
preprint 43 p, (UAB 23/2009)
(with J. Malick & H. Sendov)
- On the first integral conjecture of René Thom
Bull. Sci. Math 132 (2008), 625-631
(with J. Cresson & M. Shiota) - Prox-regularity of spectral functions and spectral sets
Journal of Convex Analysis 15 (2008), 547-560
(with A. Lewis, J. Malick, H. Sendov)
[ Article dédié à la mémoire de Thomas Lachand-Robert ] - Clarke subgradients of stratifiable functions
SIAM J. Optimization 18 (2007), 556-572
(with J. Bolte, A. Lewis and M. Shiota) - Stability of periodic solutions for Lipschitz systems obtained
via the averaging method
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc 135 (2007), 3317-3327
(with A. Buica) - The Lojasiewicz inequality for nonsmooth subanalytic functions with applications to subgradient dynamical systems
SIAM J. Optimization 17 (2007), 1205-1223
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - Remarks on the class of (semi)strictly quasiconvex functions
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 133 (2007), 37-48
(with Y. Garcia) - The Morse-Sard theorem for non-differentiable subanalytic functions
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 321 (2006), 729-740
(with J. Bolte & A. Lewis) - On the Equivalence Between Complementarity Systems, Projected Dynamical Systems and Unilateral Differential Inclusions
Systems & Control Letters 55 (2006), 45-51
(with V. Acary, B. Brogliato & C. Lemarechal) - Geometrical interpretation of the proximal-type algorithms in structured optimization problems
Optimization 55 (2006), 481-503 (special issue for the 65th birthday of D. Pallaschke)
(with W. Hare & J. Malick) - Subsmooth sets: functional characterizations and related concepts
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 1275-1301
(with D. Aussel & L. Thibault) [Corrigendum (concerning the published version) ] - Subdifferential representation of convex functions: refinements and applications
J. Convex Analysis 12 (2005), 255-265
(with J. Benoist) - On a primal-proximal heuristic in discrete optimization
Math. Programming 104 (2005), 105-128
(with C. Lemarechal) - Clarke critical values of subanalytic Lipschitz continuous functions
Annales Polonici Mathematici 87 (2005), 13-25 (memorial issue for S. Lojasiewicz)
(with J. Bolte, A. Lewis and M. Shiota) - Filling the gap between lower-C1 and lower-C2 functions
J. Convex Analysis 12 (2005), 315-329
(with J. Malick) - Comment on the article ''Generalized
derivatives and nonsmooth optimization, a finite dimensional tour (Invited Survey)''
(by J. Dutta)
TOP (Revista de Investigación Operativa publicada por la SEIO, Discussion Session, Volume 13, Number 2 (2005), 279-283 - Approximate convexity and submonotonicity
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 291 (2004), 292-301
(with P. Georgiev) - Cyclic hypomonotonicity, cyclic submonotonicity and integration
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 122 (2004), 19-40
(with P. Georgiev) - Integration of multivalued operators and cyclic submonotonicity
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 177-195
(with P. Georgiev & J.-P. Penot)
- Characterizations of evenly convex sets and evenly convex functions
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 273 (2002), 58-66
(with J.-E. Martinez-Legaz) - Lower subdifferentiability and Integration
Set-Valued Analysis 10 (2002), 89-108
(with M. Bachir, J.-P. Penot) - Integration of Fenchel Moreau subdifferentials of epi-pointed functions
SIAM J. Optimization 12 (2002), 575-582
(with J. Benoist) - Coincidence theorems for convex functions
J. Convex Analysis 9 (2002), 259-268
(with J. Benoist)
- Dual characterizations of relative continuity of convex functions
J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 70 (2001), 211-223
(with J. Benoist) - Appropriate subdifferentials in quasiconvex analysis
SIAM J. Optimization 12 (2001), 407-420
(with N. Hadjisavvas & J.-E. Martinez-Legaz) - Normal cones to sublevel sets: an axiomatic approach
Lecture Notes in Econom. & Math. Systems 502 (2001), 88-101, (Springer, Berlin)
(with D. Aussel)
- A dual characterization of the Radon-Nikodym property
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 62 (2000) 379-387
(with M. Bachir) - Arrow-Barankin-Blackwell theorems and related results in cone duality: a survey
Lecture Notes in Econom. & Math. Systems 481 (2000), 119-131, (Springer, Berlin) - On generalized cyclically monotone operators and proper quasimonotonicity
Optimization 47 (2000), 123-135
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Normal characterization of the main classes of quasiconvex functions
Set-Valued Anal. 8 (2000), 219-236
(with D. Aussel) - Subdifferentials of convex functions and sigma-cyclic monotonicity
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 61 (2000), 269-276 - Characterization of nonsmooth semistrictly quasiconvex and strictly quasiconvex functions
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 102 (1999), 525-536
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - On the subdifferentials of quasiconvex and pseudoconvex functions and cyclic monotonicity
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 237 (1999), 30-42
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Coercivity Conditions and Variational Inequalities
Math. Programming 86 (1999), 433-438
(with N. Hadjisavvas) - Connectedness of the efficient set for three objective quasiconcave maximization problems
J. Optim. Theory Appl. 93 (1997), 517-524
(with N. Hadjisavvas & S.Schaible) - Existence Theorems for Vector Variational Inequalities
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 54 (1996), 473-481
(with N. Hadjisavvas)