Discrete Math Group and Theoretical Computer Science

(University of Chile)


Informally, Discrete Mathematics (DM), also called finite mathematics, is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete, in the sense of not supporting or requiring the notion of continuity. DM has become popular in recent decades because of its applications to computer science. Concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful to study or describe objects or problems in computer algorithms and programming languages.

Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) is the collection of topics of computer science that focuses on the more abstract, logical and mathematical aspects of computing, such as the theory of computation, analysis of algorithms and semantics of programming languages.

Speaking in more technical (and precise) terms the main research areas of interest of the group are:

  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Graph Theory & Algorithmic Graph Theory
  • Automata Theory
  • Computational Complexity
  • Cryptography


[Marcos Kiwi] Marcos KIWI, Associate Professor

[Martín Matamala] Martín MATAMALA, Associate Professor

[Nicolas Nisse] Nicolás NISSE, PostDoc

[Ivan Rapaport] Ivan RAPAPORT, Assistant Professor

[Karol Suchan] Karol SUCHAN, PostDoc


  • Flavio Guiñez, Ph.D student
  • Gonzalo Sánchez, Mathematical Engineering thesis student
  • Christopher Thraves, Ph.D student
  • José Zamora, Ph.D student
  • Rodolfo Carvajal (Mathematical Engineering), currently instructor at the University of Chile, Chile
  • Guillermo Espinoza (Mathematical Engineering), currently pursuing graduate studies at the University of Chile, Chile
  • Alejandro Hevia (Engineering in Computer Science), currently Professor at the University of Chile, Chile
  • Cristóbal Rojas (Mathematical Engineering), currently pursuing graduate studies at the Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris), France
  • Eduardo Moreno (Mathemtaical Engineering & Ph.D in Mathematical Modelling), currently professor at Adolfo Ibañz University, Chile
  • Mauricio Soto (Mathematical Engineering), currently pursuing graduate studies at University of Paris VI, France
  • José Soto (Mathematical Engineering), currently pursuing graduate studies at MIT, USA
  • Claudio Telha (Master in Computer Science), currently pursuing grduate studies at MIT, USA

Group activities

Group grants


Name Affiliation Period Comment
U. Rey Juan Carlos Visiting scholar
Martin Loebl Charles U. Jan 5-Dec 31, 2006 Visiting scholar
Pierre Fraigniaud U. Paris-Sud Jan 6-13, 2006 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'06
Jaroslav Nesetril Charles U. Jan 9-15, 2006 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'06
Sergio Rajsbaum UNAM Jan 7-13, 2006 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'06
Stier Moses
Columbia U. May 9-19, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa U. São Paulo Sep 2-9, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Cristina Gomez Fernandes U. São Paulo Sep 2-9, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Yoshiko Wakabashashi U. São Paulo Sep 2-9, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Miguel Pizaña U. Autónoma Metropolitana Sep 2-16, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Eric Remila Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon Nov 6-24, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Florent Becker Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon Oct 20-Nov 20, 2006 Visiting Scholar
Joachim von zur Gathen Bonn U. Dec 27-30, 2006 Visiting Scholar
U. Rey Juan Carlos Jan 7-13, 2007 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'07
Marc Noy Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Jan 7-14, 2007 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'07
Mourad Baïou Université Clermont II Jan 7-27, 2007 Lecturer in the Escuela de Verano'07 and Visiting Scholar
Ioan Todinca U. Orleans Mar 5 - Apr 4, 2007 Visiting scholar
Joachim von zur Gathen Bonn U. Feb 28-Mar 13, 2007 Visiting Scholar